The artistic glory of St. Mary of the Angels is its magnificent stained-glass windows. Specially commissioned for this Church and installed in 1919 are 19 primary windows and 14 minor windows crafted in the Munich style by European immigrant glass artisans in America during World War I. Produced by glass studios of Daprato Statuary Company (Chicago | New York), the lancet windows are outstanding examples of domestically-produced art glass in this category. Daprato Statuary Company holds the title of Pontifical Institute of Christian Art bestowed by Pope Pius X. Within their elegant stone traceries we enjoy the play of sunlight during the course of the day as the nave and transept windows are positioned in the east/west orientation due to the north/south orientation of the building. More importantly, the position of the sun also plays into the windows’ theological theme attributed to Very Rev. Thomas Plassmann, OFM (1879-1959), a distinguished Franciscan theologian who served as president of nearby St. Bonaventure University (1920-1949). Starting with the windows flanking the side altars and continuing all the way back to the vestibule, visitors are invited into Scriptural events of the Life of Our Lord depicted in the eastern walls (sunrise) corresponding with the events in the life of Our Lady from Sacred Tradition depicted in the western walls (sunset). This is an artistic expression of the teaching of the Church that Revelation is rooted in Scripture and Tradition. Within these lancet windows we are treated to figures in rich Renaissance era costume portrayed in scenes familiar in classic works of religious art. Costume fabric for all the important figures in each window is elaborately monogrammed.
Photo Credit: Darrell Gronemeier