“I never thought I had an ability to do anything in the parish, but I wanted to.” Carol Auteri said this impression of herself years ago is not uncommon among many in our pews.
“We work confidentially with people in troubled situations—anything going on in life,” said Carol Auteri who listed grief as the most common personal trial for people they help followed by a host of other situations in which people find themselves overwhelmed: loss of marriage, loss of job, depression, suicide, serious illness, aging, hospital after-care, unwanted pregnancy and other life issues.
“We are there to walk beside them in difficult times—not to cure, but to walk with and beside them offering encouragement, comfort and support in whatever they’re is going through,” Auteri said, adding that many people could use a Stephen Minister in their life.
Carol Autieri, retired from her cleaning service business, was brought into the ministry by invitation of a fellow parishioner. “Mary Barb Marra (Narra) said the best quality of a Stephen Minister is to be a good listener. I’m a good listener,” she said without a breath of hesitation. Now Carol is a Stephen Minister and a facilitator of Grief Support.
They invite others to listen to God’s quiet voice calling them to this fulfilling, life-enriching ministry of help to others in need. Stephen Ministry operates out of a suite in the Parish Life Center. Is God calling you to become a Stephen Minister? Please call Stephen Ministry 716-372-4841 ext. 115. Need help from a Stephen Minister? Contact us or talk to anyone in the pews wearing a blue Stephen Ministry name tag.