Parish Trustees
Tom Enright and Molly Sear
Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels Parish Council meets on the second Tuesday of every month (excluding July and August) throughout the year with parish members providing advice on a wide range of pastoral and administrative matters.
Justin Smith, President
Jim Brown
Andrew Caya
Ronni Gronemeier
Michael Matz
Paula Snyder
Mike Tominez
Mary Anne Zitnik
Ex Officio
Rev. Chris Emminger, Pastor/Rector
Sr. Regina Aman, Pastoral Assistant/DRE
Deacon Matt Wenke
Joe McLarney, Business Manager
Bonnie Stark, Office Manager
Philippe Yates, Joint Operations Manager
Mary Cygan, Recording Secretary/Communications
Parish Finance Council
Mike Staley, Chair
Steve Pachla
Jim Cooney
Jim Bardenett
Ernie Kallenbach
Marion Boyce, Grants
Parish Personnel Committee
Tom Enright
Molly Sear