Our responsibilities as a minor basilica are outlined in a Vatican document entitled, Domus Ecclesiae.
1. In a minor basilica the liturgical instruction of the faithful is to be promoted by establishing groups concerned with liturgical activity, by special courses of instruction given in a series of conferences, and by other programs of this kind.
Among the special activities of a basilica may be especially mentioned the study and popularization of documents coming from the Supreme Pontiff and the Holy See, especially those pertaining to the sacred liturgy.
2. The celebrations of the liturgical year are to be prepared and carried out with great care, especially the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter.
During Lent, in places that preserve the traditional form of gathering the local Church in the manner of the Roman "stations,” it is highly recommended that a basilica be chosen for celebrating this kind of station (cf. Roman Missal, the beginning of Lent; Ceremonial of Bishops, nos. 260-262).
The word of God is to be diligently proclaimed either in homilies or in special sermons.
The active participation of the faithful is to be promoted both in the Eucharistic celebration and in the celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours, especially at Morning and Evening Prayer.
In addition, approved forms of devotion are to be suitably fostered.
3. Since the celebration of the liturgy takes on a more noble form when it is carried out in song, care must be taken that gatherings of the Christian faithful be associated with the singing of the various parts of the Mass, especially those found in the Ordinary (cf. Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 54; Sacred Congregation for Rites, Instruction Musicam Sacram, March 5, 1967).
In a basilica where the faithful from different nations or languages frequently come together, it is useful that they should know how to sing together in Latin the profession of faith and the Lord's Prayer, using more simple melodies like those composed in Gregorian chant which is "proper to the Roman Liturgy" (cf. Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 116; General Instruction of the Roman Missal, no. 41).
4. To make clear the particular bond of communion by which the minor basilica is united with the Roman cathedra of Peter, every year there must be celebrated with particular care: