We meet Sundays 9:30am-10:45am
in Waterford Room downstairs from the church (literally below the altar). Please come.
Are You...
Interested in becoming Catholic?
A Catholic who wishes to receive Confirmation and/or First Eucharist?
Then our Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) program is for you! This is a process of discerning with gradual stages of immersion to the Catholic faith. The process is about a relationship over time with both God and the Catholic community. There is no time frame. Conversion occurs on God's time; not our time. The Church rejoices at your response to the Holy Spirit.
We meet on Sundays 9:30am-10:45am (September through May) for faith sharing and introduction to the Catholic faith. Sacraments are generally received at the Easter Vigil (night before Easter Sunday).
Here is the process of your journey in the OCIA program...
When you start, you are recognized as either a Catechumen or a Candidate.
Unbaptized persons are known as Catechumens.
Those already baptized are called Candidates.
Many people who want to join the Catholic Church have already been baptized in another Christian church. They do not need to be baptized again. Others may have been baptized in the Catholic Church and need to complete the sacraments of Initiation by receiving First Eucharist and/or Confirmation.All will have an opportunity to grow in their relationship with God and learn more about the faith before receiving these Sacraments.
The goal of the Catechumenate process is full, conscious, and active participation in an exciting life with Jesus Christ within His Catholic Church.
Catechumenate helps adults grow in their relationship with God, become familiar with Catholic teachings and practices, get acquainted with the faith community, and get involved in service within the community as whole.
And if you are a fully initiated Catholic (received the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Eucharist and Confirmation), then you can sponsor a catechumen or candidate.
A Four-Step Process in Your Journey
Step 1: Period Of Inquiry
Unique to each individual
Time for asking questions
Time to intensely examine one's personal relationship with God
Ends when inquirers become firm in their desire for initiation
and for the study of Catholic teachings and practices
Step 2: Period of Catechumenate
Begins with the Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens or,
for those who are already baptized, the Rite of Welcoming
Time of learning the teachings of the Church and beginning
to accept Catholic teachings and practices
Sponsors accompany catechumens and candidates on their journey
Length of Catechumenate period can vary from person to person
Ends when the catechumens discern that God is calling them to receive
the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Eucharist, Confirmation)
Ends when the candidates discern that God is calling them to make
profession of faith in the Catholic Church
Step 3: Period of Purification and Enlightenment
Begins with Rite of Election
Catechumens are now called the Elect
Time of intense preparation during Lent to celebrate the Resurrection
of Jesus at Easter and to receive the Sacraments of Initiation
Step 4: Period of Mystagogia
Begins with the reception of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation,
and First Eucharist during the Easter Season
Time of reflection on the commitment made to the Lord,
the Church, and the faith community
Time of finding a place in the community and getting involved
So, are YOU ready for the journey?
If so, then please contact Jeff Freeman at 716-372-8743.
Catechumenate sessions are held weekly on Sunday (during the fall/winter/spring season)
9:30am - 10:45am at the Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels.