Since becoming your pastor, there have been several instances of scam e-mails being sent from a person claiming to be me, requesting gift cards. The e-mail typically states "I have a request." I want to tell everyone that I will never email you to personally ask for gift cards or other forms of payment for myself. The address of these e-mails is not mine ([email protected]), but does appear at a quick glance to be legitimate. If you ever receive such an e-mail, please call the office before doing anything. Thank you!
To combat the devil, we begin by acknowledging that Satan is indeed real, and like “the benefactor,” he does not love us, he loves chaos. Secondly, we have to acknowledge that God is more powerful than the devil and offers us the tools in which to combat the devil in this life. Thirdly, we acknowledge the love that God has for us. God sent His Son into the world to save us. It wasn’t because we were worthy. It was because we are His children. We belong to Him. This life is not about earning God’s love, but accepting the love, and accepting our role in serving God and His Church. (Click on title for complete reflection.)
There are still several months before the elections in November, yet regardless of who wins more than 270 electoral votes on Nov. 5, we will still gather for Mass on Nov. 6 to thank God for the gifts He has bestowed on us. We do not seek a political leader to grant us salvation, nor do we condemn those for whom we disagree. Instead, we live each moment of our lives confident that Christ will indeed come again, while in the interim seeking to live out the command of God spoken through the prophet Micah, “What does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Click on title for complete reflection.)
In lieu of an article this week, I wanted to show everyone the official counter-proposal to the Diocese recommendations from several weeks ago which was submitted earlier this week. Click on the title for the complete report.
Since we began coming together as a family of parishes, we have been using terms like “pillars” to describe the six advisory groups, composed of members from our three parishes, who assist in the forming of our family identity. For the next month, included in the bulletin will be information about each pillar. This information should help explain (1) who composes each pillar (2) the tasks the diocese has given each pillar and (3) what the pillars are currently working on as a group. Click on orange title for the complete report.
I am currently reading A Man of Iron: The Turbulent Life and Improbable Presidency of Grover Cleveland by Troy Senik. Click on title for complete reflection.
Since we began coming together as a family of parishes, we have been using terms like “pillars” to describe the six advisory groups, composed of members from our three parishes, who assist in the forming of our family identity. For the next month, included in the bulletin will be information about each pillar. This information should help explain (1) who composes each pillar (2) the tasks the diocese has given each pillar (3) what the pillars are currently working on as a group.
Cindy Hinz, Chair (SJTE) Jean Smith, Secretary (BSMA)
Michael Forney (BSMA) Judith Benoit (SJTE)
Shirley Halftown (BONAS) Dorene Carnicelli (BONAS)
Carmella Bartimole (SJTE) Anita Schmidt (SJTE)
According to the Diocesan Road to Renewal “Playbook,” the following topics are covered under this pillar. Out Reach- Any ministry or activity aimed at bringing relief for those who are suffering, while maintaining inclusivity, Evangelization efforts geared at people who are unchurched and seeking Christ, Promotion of missionary discipleship to attract new Catholics. In Reach- Ministry to those who are in physical or spiritual need, Empower parishioners, Develop a culture of welcome.
The Out Reach / In Reach pillar has been meeting regularly every two weeks. The members of the pillar group have been discussing how each parish currently reaches out to our community – those who live on the margins that we serve as well as welcoming the faithful and exploring how we invite those not members of our parishes who are seeking a relationship with God. We are still in an introductory phase of this pillar group. We hope to find new ways to welcome the youth, young adults, and all seekers of God in order to accompany them on their journey of life.
A special thank you to the Knights of Columbus Olean Council 338 for conducting the Baby Bottle Fundraiser to benefit the St. Gianna Pregnancy Center. The Pregnancy Center is so very grateful for the KofC's support of this life-affirming ministry! Many thanks to everyone in our Enchanted Mountains Catholic Community who contributed! The total donated ($1798.75) will be used to directly benefit babies and families in need right here in our own communities! Please continue to pray for all babies and their families!