"For me, prayer is a burst from my heart, it is a simple glance thrown toward Heaven, a cry of thanksgiving and love in times of trial as well as in times of joy." -- St. Therese of Lisieux Click on orange title for complete article.
Once again, a well-meaning disciple, John, is questioning the integrity and authority of a previously unknown disciple’s acting in God’s Name. In this case the unknown disciple is driving out demons in Jesus’ Name. In His answer, Jesus, like Moses, calls for openness to the promptings of the Spirit. We might reflect that people like the man casting out demons and Eldad and Medad, from the first reading have the child-like simplicity and outlook of the “little ones,” that Jesus reminds John (and us) to welcome, facilitate and even celebrate. Jesus promises great rewards for such openness and obedient living out of our faith. How are we doing with that?
The Road to Renewal is in progress and has officially structured the family units of the “Family of Families” within our Diocese. As announced formally more recently, the Road to Renewal leadership has specifically established the design for the Southern Tier. As many of you know, the Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels, St. John the Evangelist and St. Bonaventure are asked to form a linked family community in Cattaraugus County as we model ourselves after the Holy Family during this Year proclaimed by our Pope honoring family unit. With confidence and trust, we turn to Jesus who is the center of the Holy Family and the center of our lives and of parish life to guide us and provide us wisdom. We also call upon the intercession of Our Lady under the title of Mary, Undoer of Knots (see her image above) to help us engage and move smoothly through the transitioning process of renewal. At this time, parishioners with various roles and leadership will gather with our Vicar Forane on Wednesday, Sept. 22nd, to go over our goals and objectives. Click on orange title above for complete article.
A consolation is that we know the “end of the story;” the growth of the Christian Church into a world civilization-saving entity. Love and sacrifice emerge victorious in the end, over pride, selfishness and hate. Click orange title above for complete article.
PRAYER FOR RENEWAL In every age, O God, You have called us to be Your people, to be Your Church. In this time, we begin anew to discern the pathways that will lead us, Your people, closer to You. Continually Bless our journey as we proclaim Your Good News, celebrate Your saving presence among us, serve others with charity and justice, and steward the world You have entrusted to our care. Send Your Spirit to lead and guide our Emmaus journey as we commit ourselves to the renewal of our Church. This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Today, Jesus asks His disciples who the people say He is, or how they interpret Him. The disciples respond that the people recognize Jesus as akin to great religious persons of the past, such as John the Baptist, Elijah or one of the prophets. When Jesus asks the disciples who they say that He is, Peter responds with God-given wisdom: “You are the Christ.” Peter recognizes Jesus as the Messiah. Peter could only recognize Jesus, as God allows this. Once again, we’re totally dependent upon God for all inspiration, wisdom and knowledge. Nothing we have comes from us. We’re totally dependent upon God. As Jesus relates in today’s Gospel, to save our lives, we must relinquish all and follow Him, serving others and loving God, with trust and confidence.
Happy 11th Birthday Superhero Colt! From Your Parish Family Pray for Colt Matz who is fighting leukemia and for his younger brother Jack who will be donating bone marrow for his brother! Send birthday cards to: Oishei Children’s Hospital Colt—OCH Rm 1206 818 Ellicott Street Buffalo, NY 14203
Over the last several months, you have read or heard about the reorganization of the Diocesan parish structure called the Road to Renewal as placed into units called “Families.” These Families were to be composed of 3 to 6 parishes based on geographical proximity to one another. The objective for grouping into Families is to have each parish collaborate and coordinate with each other and then support one another in their implementation of services and programs to build up and strengthen the Catholic presence and Christ’s mission in their region. Click on orange title for complete article by Fr. John
Isaiah brings beautiful hope to those with frightened hearts, who feel vulnerable. God promises them “vindication,” or freedom from accusation, blame, suspicion or doubt. Click orange title for complete article.