Please consider this invitation from your Basilica Parish family to become a minister “At the Table of Our Lord.” Serving in this special way has a profound impact on our Mission to bring Christ to others – Consider becoming an Extraordinary Eucharistic Minister. As a Eucharistic Minister, you can help the priest and deacon bring Our Lord to your fellow parishioners during the Mass. Or, you can also be trained to bring Our Lord to those who are homebound, in the hospital, in senior care facilities, in places of rehabilitation and during support visits. If interested, please contact the parish office or me or Fr. Peter for more information. If you have already done so, please join us for Training and Practice for becoming an Extraordinary Eucharistic Minister at one of the times below: Thursday, June 8th 5:00 to 6:00 pm at St. John the Evangelist Church OR Thursday, June 8th 6:30 to 7:30 pm at the Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels If you are still discerning or considering this Call from the Lord please do so using prayer such as the following one to help in your decision making: Heavenly Father, I thank you for the opportunity to explore Your call to me to serve you and your people in this faith community as an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist. I know that I can never truly be worthy of such an exalted honor. But, help me know that you make us worthy by Your presence in us. Help me to determine if You truly want me to nourish Your people with the witness of my life as I consider serving You and them with Your Sacred Body. Grant Your strength and holiness to me as I pray on Your Holy Will in this invitation. I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Blessings of the Risen Lord, Fr. John