TAIZE PRAYER (Adapted and Source Unknown) God, You gave us birth. At these difficult times of our lives, You are ever more ready to hear than often we are to pray. You know our needs before we ask, and our lack of understanding in asking. Show us now Your grace, that as we face the mystery of death we may see the light of eternity. Speak to us once more Your joyful message of life and of death overcome . . . in both living and dying our life may be in His awaited birth and in His Death revealed as Our Risen Savior. Amen Gracious God, enable us to listen lovingly for Your Word. May we console each other with the message You proclaim, so finding light in darkness and faith in the midst of doubt; through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen God of life and love, we come to You in our need. Be with us as we experience the depths of death and grief. Be there in our sorrow and pain; be with us in our fear, that we may find light in darkness, comfort in Your Word, Your gift of self in the Eucharist and in the Sacraments; in the name of Jesus, who by death and risen life has conquered death. Amen O Lord, support us all the day long of this troublous life, until the shadows lengthen and the evening comes, and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, and our work is done. Then, Lord, in Thy mercy, grant us a safe lodging, a holy rest. Amen Risen Jesus, you are there close beside each person; You descend to where we are. And You take upon yourself all that hurts us, both in ourselves and in others. You accompany every human being no matter our relationship with You. Help us to know Your visitation, Your embrace and in our inner struggle may we contemplate and experience the radiance of Your goodness and in and through Your humble heart may we be led by Your Spirit to peace. Amen