Getting help from a Stephen Minister: EMCC has trained caregivers who come alongside people during difficult times. A Stephen Minister meets regularly with a person on an individual basis to listen, care for, encourage, and provide emotional and spiritual support with empathy. It is high quality care and completely confidential. A few examples are.: 1) someone with health problems, or taking care of someone ill; 2) grieving the loss of a loved one; 3) having financial setback or loss of a job; 4) birth related issues; 5) loneliness; 6) major life transitions; 7) and many other issues.
Getting help from GriefShare: GriefShare is for people who have lost someone they love through death, and are looking for help and support to work through their terrible pain of grief. They meet in a group setting, watch short videos, and have discussions. They learn how to walk through their grief in order for joy to come back into their lives and find a new normal.
Call the EMCC Parish Office to share a message with either a Stephen Minister or GriefShare.