Reflection for Feast of the Epiphany: Sunday, January 5, 2025
Isaiah 60:1-6: Chapters 60 to 62 in Isaiah are recognized by scholars as having some consistent and repetitive themes: light, salvation, glory, redemption, restoration, righteousness, mercy and transformation. Now, as we celebrate the coming of Jesus as Messiah and King, we ponder and reflect upon these same themes! As the prophet Isaiah first addresses Jerusalem, he emphasizes that people outside of Jerusalem (the Kingdom of God) are in darkness; with clouds covering the earth. Meanwhile, the people of Jerusalem are basking in the Lord’s light of Wisdom, love, holiness, justice and truth!
The prophet emphasizes that other nations will recognize Jerusalem’s (Israel’s) superiority and will come from all over the world to honor the coming Messiah. When Isaiah speaks of dromedaries coming with gold and frankincense; we see the reference to Jesus’ birth, centuries before His long-awaited birth. We have a lot to ponder and celebrate today!
Psalm 72: “Lord, every nation on earth will adore You.” Now, we join this ancient psalmist and leaders and peoples all over today’s world, to honor Jesus, as our Lord and King; our Redeemer and Savior! Today, we give our Lord and God, glory and praise, adoration, love and thanks! Today, we celebrate the remarkable hallmarks of the Kingdom of God: wisdom, justice, righteousness, peace, prosperity, compassion for the poor and mercy for all; especially for those in need or suffering from any affliction or illness! The Kingdom of God has come to earth and we’re celebrating, today!
Lord, may all nations and peoples obey You and conform themselves to fulfill Your Holy Will. Only then will we achieve and experience truly world peace and planetary tranquility! May our whole world recognize You and accept You as Savior and Redeemer ... our King and our God! Amen!
Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6: On this Feast of the Epiphany, it’s fitting that we reflect with St. Paul on God’s benevolent love and mercy in extending God’s offer of Salvation to the whole world… Jews and Gentiles alike. If we’re honest, we can all agree that none of us deserves God’s ultimately generous offer of forgiveness for our sins. None of us have earned, by good works, the eternal life that we’ve been offered, if we profess faith in Jesus Christ and in His power and Will to save us! Doing so is a humble act of faith and trust in the Lord. We submit to Jesus as our Lord, Savior and King, and we’re “in!” It seems so little to ask of us, yet pride and arrogance are an obstacle to many; as is false humility; in which people think that they’re too guilty to be forgiven. What a tragedy! God’s mercy is infinite and endures forever!
Matt 2:1-12: Now, we come to the lowly and humble manger, where the King of the Universe lies in shocking material poverty and simplicity. Despite the absence of wealth surrounding Him, He’s recognized as a profoundly holy Spiritual King… the Son of God! A privileged few recognize Him as the long-awaited Messiah! Angels and shepherds and Kings together adore Him, while evil others already see Him as a threat to their unholy power. Today, why don’t we respectfully approach the “Rustic Throne” where Jesus lies in sweet-smelling hay?! Why don’t we join in the joyful welcome and adoration of our newborn King?! After all, He’s coming to redeem each and every one of us… one and all! We don’t want to miss this opportunity to worship; as we’re preparing to adore Him in the Heavenly Kingdom!