Reflection for Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time: June 23, 2024
Job 38:1, 8-11: This awe-inspiring passage is written in metaphorical language that describes vividly the incredible power of God. Like today’s Gospel, this “companion reading” has as its center, the Lord’s speaking “out of the storm.” As you read this, you realize that God is proclaiming His eternal nature. God has been there at the Creation of the world; God was there, eternally, before that and our God will be here, eternally, forever! God’s “forever Presence” is beyond our comprehension. As we’re being told here, our God is larger and more powerful and has control over all of nature. What’s more, as we know that our God is loving and merciful, we have nothing to be afraid of. Let the storm rage. Our God is all-powerful and full of mercy and love. Our God will take care of us, love us, nurture us and see to all of our needs; despite what conditions we face… positive or negative. Trust in God!
Psalm 107: “Give thanks to the Lord, His love is everlasting.” We continue our reflection on God’s mighty rule and might, with a song wherein the psalmist is pondering how sailors are witnesses to the beauty, the majesty and the formidable powers that stir and mix around them, in nature, as they sail the seas. Notice that in the second verse, we’re reminded that God “lifts us up… and strikes us down;” as in the metaphor concerning God’s mastery over the waves of the sea. The third verse focuses on God’s attentiveness to our pleas when we’re in trouble or distress. God rescues us and “hushes” the storm, like a parent, restoring peace and order when a beloved child has become upset over some challenge or difficulty. This psalm has a very clear message to us. We’re called to reflect upon God’s benevolence and kindness to us and to give thanks, accordingly!
2 Cor. 5:14-17: Today, St. Paul points out that once we’ve received the gift of faith, we realize that we’re in union with Christ and that our deepest desire is to abandon ourselves to God’s Will. When we receive the “tongues of fire” as at the coming of the Holy Spirit upon our Confirmation; we believers, as a united group, become a conflagration of faith, love and sacrifice that can change the world! Once we’re totally on board with the faith and with God’s agenda, God’s priorities… the Salvation and Redemption of the world… become our first priority. There is, and will always be, here on earth, a struggle or tension within us regarding our own self-interests and those of God. It takes time and immense efforts at spiritual growth for us to relinquish our own selfish self-interests in favor of the common good. What freedom and joy when we finally do so!
Mark 4:35-41: Read today’s Gospel passage. Make an effort to take some quiet time to ponder it. For reflection, picture your soul as a small wooden boat that you’re sitting in, at about the middle of a large and deep sea. The boat only contains two people; you and Jesus. Jesus is soundly and deeply asleep in the stern of the boat; as if nothing is worrying Him. As you start thinking about the stresses you have to face this week, a storm starts to brew on the sea.
You’re tempted to wake Jesus up, aren’t you? Truth be told; I’d be tempted to do so also! However, let’s let Jesus sleep and trust in Him!