Reflection for 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time: June 16, 2024 Ezek. 17: 22-24: In true inter-pretation is about the nation of Judah’s struggles and God’s watching over His people. Note that the nation of Judah is symbolized or represented by the sprig or shoot of the cedar plant. Previous passages alluded to “the sprig,” or Judah being “transplanted” by occupying Babylonian forces, or exiled to Mesopotamia and to Egypt. The sprig (Judah) is being transplanted to its true earthly home, on the heights of Israel.
For reflection this week, I want to propose that we meditate on the fact that, periodically, the Lord shakes up our lives. We lose a loved one or a job. We experience unexpected illnesses or accidents. It’s at such times that we must always rely on our faith to carry us through. Our God is always with us and will never abandon us. we may not experience the conquering of our nation, as the people of Judah did. Nevertheless, we’ll have our times of struggle and our faith will carry us through.
Psalm 92: “Lord, it is good to give thanks to you.” The first verse of today’s psalm re-stresses the encouragement to cling to our faith and to have hope; “proclaiming God’s kindness at dawn;” (or when things are going well), but also to “proclaim God’s faithfulness throughout the night;” (when we’re in times of emotional and spiritual distress).
In essence, this psalm is reminding us to cultivate within ourselves an attitude of faith and trust in God that transcends our present circumstances; whether they are positive or negative. The psalmist reassures us that if we’re true to our beliefs and live out our faith, then serenity and peace and God’s loving presence will envelope us and surely be more palpably “present” to us, in our lives. Trust in God!
2 Cor. 5:6-10: We often read this hopeful passage at funerals. St. Paul reminds us that our “true home” isn’t here on earth in our earthly bodies. Our true and lasting home will be in Heaven; where we will dwell, not in these earthly bodies; which are temporary and depreciate over time; but in our Heavenly glorified bodies, which will last forever! The struggle here on earth is that we realize that while we’re here on earth, suffering in our earthly bodies, we must “walk by faith,” making the decision to believe in and trust God, even though we can’t “see” God. When we reach our Heavenly abode, we’ll be able to more plainly “see” and “know” God, such that trusting God will be easier. Everything is temporary on earth. We’re being challenged to accept this temporary time of trial with faith and trust in God.
Mark 4:26-34: In this parable, the man scatters the seed, all around him in various places. Then, we’re told that the man “sleeps and rises night and day” through it all. Jesus is telling us that the man couldn’t possibly care for the plants constantly, as the man has to sleep. We’re mere humans and once again, in this passage it’s being re-stressed to us that we must abandon ourselves to and accept with trust that God is in charge. We’re told that “through it all the seed would sprout and grow… though he… (the man), knows not how.”
However, in essence we do know how the seed and all things grow and flourish. We (all living things) grow through the power and provision of God. God will help us in all seasons of our lives.