Congratulations and God’s blessings and His graces on Sr. Frances Marie of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus (Nora Wenke) as she made her perpetual vows with the Passionate Nuns. May the spirit be upon you and your ministry. Your parents Mary and Deacon Matt Wenke are touched by your gifts and your life as is your parish family. In Christ, Fr. John I’m Gonna Die! During today’s ceremony, I will lie face down on the ground and be covered with a black cloth, an action that symbolizes death. A few weeks ago, anticipating this day, it began to hit me with greater intensity: I’m gonna die! What feelings does such a realization stir up? Fear, trepideation? Panic? Solicitude for proper preparation? A bit of all of that. However, amongst Nuns, a note of joy and eagerness tends to be the prevailing sentiment in the face of death. I will always remember being with our Sr. Marie Michael in the hospital room when Mother John Mary broke the news from the doctor that she did not have long to live. Sister’s whole face lit up and she spontaneously exclaimed, “Great news!” As, with inexpressible joy, I make my Perpetual Profession of Vows today, following the Lord’s call, I let go of earthly goods in a permanent way that resembles death; even deeper than that, I let go of myself: my pride, self-centeredness, self-reliance. The Great News? Radical surrender into the Hands of my Heavenly Father; a deeper envelopment in the embrace of my Bridegroom Jesus, and a fuller entry into the Divine Spirit-life which was infused into me (as into each one of us) at Baptism. A new Life of Love, impelled by the love of Christ Who loved me and gave Himself for me. As our Communion hymn puts it, to love Jesus is the greatest joy! I am so grateful to all of you who are joining the celebrations today, those present in person and those spiritually present from afar. Just as our Faith teaches that the bonds uniting us with our loved ones are not severed but strengthened beyond the grave, so in entering into this covenant with Our Creator, I am all the more one with each of you in the Heart of Christ. You and your intentions are in my heart as I make my vows. And for the rest of my days, as my offering is renewed in the Mass and in the mini dyings and risings each day brings, you will always be lifted up in this praying heart. Don’t forget that I’m here for you! Don’t forget to let me know when you need extra prayers! And please pray for me! Soon, please God, we’ll be celebrating together at the Eternal Wedding Banquet of Heaven. That will be Great News indeed! —Sr. Frances Marie of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, CP ST. JOSEPH MONASTERY 8564 CRISP ROAD WHITESVILLE, KY 42378 (270)233-4571 [email protected]