DISPENSATION The obligation to attend Sunday Mass now resumes, effective the weekend of June 5-6, 2021, the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ in our Diocese.
VACCINATIONS Participation at in-person Masses and other parish events should not be contingent on vaccination status, nor should individuals be questioned regarding their vaccination status.
CAPACITY Since every act of worship is public, in line with guidance for other public settings where vaccine status is not checked, capacity should continue to be based on the capacity of each worship space with six feet of separation introduced between households.
MASKS At all Masses and parish events, masks should continue to be worn upon entry and exit, and at any time where there is movement or a closeness to others, for instance, when the Communion procession forms. (Ministers of the Eucharist should be masked when distributing Communion as should those receiving.) When seated, or when at an outdoor gathering, masks may be removed/relaxed at the discretion of the individual.
OUTDOOR GATHERINGS Outdoor Masses may be organized, adhering to guidelines for indoor celebrations. However, non-worship activities should be mindful of outdoor event capacities and current restrictions from the state.
SACRAMENTAL CELEBRATIONS Sacramental celebrations (First Communions, Confirmations, and Weddings) should still follow all guidelines for Masses, with consideration for balancing safety and celebration, at the discretion of the parish leadership. Processions may be introduced responsibly.
SINGING Unfortunately, the CDC has issued no new comprehensive guidelines specific to worship gatherings since February 2021, thus we cannot relax any prior guidelines regarding full choirs or hymnals. … but those who choose to sing should wear a mask to increase safety and reduce the potential exposure to others.
FOOD AND COMMUNITY GATHERINGS Precautions for basic hygiene should be employed when planning gatherings, whether for coffee and doughnuts after Mass or any similar gatherings, large or small. Ventilation and reasonable capacity and physical distancing guidelines should also be considered.
SANITIZATION OF SURFACES While aerosol droplets of the virus seem to be the primary means of transmission, contact with surfaces cannot be completely ruled out as a cause. Protocols for sanitizing worship spaces before and after Masses should still be employed. Thank you for your continued attention to the safety and sensitivity of our people! These guidelines will continue to be periodically reviewed and updated.