IMPORTANT TO SHARE … a personal letter from our Vicar Forane and Pastor of St. Bonaventure Parish May 16, 2022 Dear Parishioners, Greetings!!! News of transitions always have a mixture of reactions. The news of change can have reactions of surprise & anticipation to anxiety and confusion. Yet change is a reality of life and in life. This letter comes to you today to announce that on August 1, 2022 I will be transferred from St. Bonaventure Parish and will be moving to Washington, D.C.; technically to the suburb of Silver Spring, Maryland which is just outside the D.C. city limits. I have been asked to be part of the postulant formation team for the Franciscan Order in the United States. This transfer does not come as a complete surprise. According to the policies of the province a friar holds a leadership position at a location for a maximum of 9 years. I have been pastor at St. Bonaventure Parish for 11 years. But because of the COVID pandemic and other circumstances my tenure was extended. But now there is a need for my services and experience within the Order to assist candidates to the friars discern their vocation and prepare for a ministerial life as a Franciscan Friar. The next 2 ½ months will be busy months in this transition. There are many things which need to be addressed before I complete my time here. Four major things are: (1) to hire an interim Director of Religious Education; (2) complete the plans for replacing the boiler which heats the school and the church; (3) replace the lift in the Memorial Hall; and (4) promote the support of the Summer Bonafest Drive-thru Chicken Dinner & Raffle. Then there are the many religious duties of the scheduled summer weddings and baptisms, plus continuing to respond to pastoral situations as they arise. Add to these the packing, transition meetings and moving. Yes, these next 2 ½ months are going to be busy. I will keep you updated in the parish bulletin and on the parish website of developments during this transition time, especially in the light of the formation of the Family of Parishes between St. John’s & St. Mary’s in Olean and St. Bonaventure. As soon as I hear who my successor will be I will let you know via e-mail and the parish website. We more than likely will not hear anything until July. When I consider my time teaching at the university (started in 1999) and combining that with my time at the parish as pastor (started in 2011), I’ve been here in Allegany for 23 consecutive years. When I add to that the 7 years I was the associate pastor here at St. Bona’s (1985-1992) and the 4 years I was a student at the university (1972-1976) I have spent half my life in Allegany. As I realize that I can truly say: “I’ve been blessed. Thank God and Thank You!” So the transition time now begins. The parish operation continues. And in the words of St. Francis: “let us serve the Lord, joyfully and faithfully, and with great humility.” Peace, Fr. James Vacco, O.F.M. Pastor, St. Bonaventure Parish Vicar-Forane of Southern Cattaraugus County