Reflection for 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time: July 11, 2021
(Amos 7: 12-15): In this passage, Amaziah, the priest of Bethel rejects the message of Amos regarding upcoming punishment and destruction in Israel. Amaziah orders Amos out of Israel, telling him to flee to Judah. Amos humbly replies that he agrees that he’s only a shepherd, called by God to prophesy and that he does not elevate himself to think of himself as a formal prophet. However, Amos obediently states truthfully and assertively that he has a message from God and he assertively delivers the message, even to his own peril. When we were baptized, we were baptized as priest, prophet and king and given graces to fulfill all of these responsibilities as Christian disciples. Are we brave and humble and obedient enough to speak out when we see injustices that are contrary to our faith? Let’s pray for love, wisdom and courage to do so!
(Psalm 85: “Lord, let us see Your kindness, and grant us Your salvation.”): This upbeat hymn is a song of confidence in God as the bringer of peace and salvation and as the deliverer of His people. The second stanza personifies the promises of flourishing virtues of justice, peace, kindness and truth. This signals great hope for change in an unjust society. We could certainly take time to pray for these virtues to flourish in our own country right now. The last stanza brings further promises of God’s blessings and prosperity, once justice has once again been installed and maintained. Work for social justice. Consider that there can be no peace without justice from the womb to the tomb.
(Ephesians 1:3-14): This passage is also an expression by Paul of thanksgiving to God for His Sacrifice of His only Son, Jesus, and for all of the spiritual blessings enjoyed by Christian disciples through the generosity and love of the Most Holy Trinity. Paul reminds us that we’re adopted, by the Will of God; “for the praise of His glory.” We were then made to offer God, glory and praise. This is our divine purpose and privilege as children of God! Let’s get going… Glory and praise to our God! Thanks be to our God, forever!
(Mark 6:7-13): In today’s first reading, we reflect on the mission to prophesy and speak out against evil and injustice in our land. In the psalm, we reflect on the fact that we can count on God to bring justice and peace and are reminded to pray for the forgiveness and healing of injustice, evil and the sins of our land. In St. Paul’s letter we acknowledge the true purpose of our mission: to be a “praise of glory” to God. We are all called to know, love and serve God; partly by sharing our faith and publicly thanking and praising God.
Summarily, in today’s Gospel the disciples are sent out and, simultaneously, we’re being sent out to share our faith in a spirit of humility and characterized by detachment from possessions. We are sent out with a spirit of love, with intent to comfort and even heal others with the same unconditional love which we have received from our God; the Most Holy Trinity. We are asked to preach repentance and to evangelize others. Some faculties, such as forgiveness of sins and celebrating Mass are reserved for priests, but we are ALL called to love, serve and evangelize others. We are all being called to extend the Kingdom of God by sharing our faith and letting it shine! Let’s all be a “praise of glory!”