Since we began coming together as a family of parishes, we have been using terms like “pillars” to describe the six advisory groups, composed of members from our three parishes, who assist in the forming of our family identity. For the next month, included in the bulletin will be information about each pillar. This information should help explain (1) who composes each pillar (2) the tasks the diocese has given each pillar (3) what the pillars are currently working on as a group. The following comprise the membership of our Forming Disciples Pillar:
Kasey John, Chair (BONAS)
Crystal Wilczewski, Secretary (BONAS)
Lisa Worth (SJTE)
Gayle Faulkner (BSMA)
Ann Sorokes (SJTE)
Sr. Regina (BSMA and SJTE)
Mary Ann Zitnik (BSMA)
According to the Diocesan Road to Renewal “Playbook,” the following topics are covered under this pillar, “Religious Education (Kindergarten through grade 12), Catholic schools, OCIA/RCIA, Sacramental preparation, Youth Ministry (Grades 6-8), Youth Ministry (Grades 9-12), Young Adult Faith Formation, Adult Faith Formation, Adult Leadership Training, Inclusive Catechesis, Family Formation.”