Reflection for 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time: July 16, 2023
Isaiah 55:10-11: Notice that in Scripture there are many metaphors that use elements of nature to teach us about characteristics of God. In this passage, we’re being told that God’s word, like snow and rain, is sent forth, in abundance, to reach its intended recipients; (human souls), to whom our God wishes to communicate His love, His truth, His wisdom and His Holy Will. Like snow and rain, God’s Word penetrates us, gradually. It may take several times reading a Scripture passage before it’s relevance to us, personally, finally “sinks in…”, but we do eventually mature, spiritually, enough to comprehend it. Our God is patient; praise the Lord! As the author reassures us, God’s Word will achieve its purpose… our Salvation! However, we do have to allow ourselves to listen and accept and assent to God’s Will, if we’re to be saved. May we all listen to God and conform ourselves to His Will!
Psalm 65: “The seed that falls on good ground will yield a fruitful harvest.” Our agricultural metaphor for this Sunday continues with this psalm of praise and thanksgiving. The first verse expresses the lavish abundance of graces that God extravagantly showers upon us; describing our souls as being “watered, enriched, filled and prepared.” The second verse describes how God “prepares” our souls, by “drenching furrows,” (filling us with wisdom, grace and love), with which we’ll fulfill God’s missions for us. When God “breaks up our clods” and “softens us,” is God overcoming our resistance to grace by purifying our souls through suffering and other challenges? Perhaps, so! As this lovely psalm progresses, we witness the rich harvest of God’s work in souls. The “rejoicing” that “clothes the hills” may be a foreshadowing of the celebrating that awaits us in Heaven!
Romans 8: 18-23: Reflecting on the psalm we’ve just read: St. Paul continues our focus on “breaking up the clods in our souls; through suffering. Paul, clearly alludes to human bodily and spiritual suffering as a precursor or a preparation for receiving healing, consolations and ultimately eternal redemption. Paul gives us courage with his reassuring perspective; focusing on the eternal. He tells us that our current sufferings “are as nothing,” when compared to “the glory to be revealed in us.” Doesn’t that thought boost your spirit?!!! After all, we’re to be set free from our “slavery to sin” and are destined to “share in the glorious freedom of the children of God. It’s a great hope to which we’re called; a divine destination! We’re reminded that our sufferings, though intense, are time-limited; but that our Heavenly rejoicing will last forever. Lord, prepare us for earthly death and for eternal life!
Matt 13:1-23: Reading today’s Gospel, let’s take time to identify which “seed situation” is most like our soul? Are we like the seed on the path? Do we “hear,” but not understand? Why don’t we understand? Let’s consider taking more time to pray, reflect and listen to God. Then, we will understand. Let’s pray for wisdom. God won’t refuse!
Are we the seed that falls away and gives up too easily when met with trials? Let’s pray to the Holy Spirit for courage and strength to persevere in the faith. Our Blessed Mother will also help us. Are we the seed, sown among thorns? Do worldly allurements and earthly temptations draw us away from God? Then, we might seek out “support people” to help to “transplant us” to more fertile ground or to help us to resist temptations. Little efforts yield surprising results!