Exodus 34:4b-6, 8-9: As we celebrate the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity, we struggle with the mystery of the Trinity and the challenging concept of three “Persons” in one God. Today’s readings subtly demonstrate that our interactions with our God are the fruits of God’s desire to have an intimate relationship with those whom our God has created… namely, us! Reading the book of Exodus, we’re taught a lot about God’s benevolent purpose in creating humankind.
God has made us in His own image and God’s desire is for us to share His very nature. God wants us, undeservedly and out of His love to share eternal life with God (our Father and Creator), Jesus Christ (our Lord, Messiah and Redeemer) and God’s Holy Spirit (the Love and Wisdom and other graces and virtues) that help God’s Love to permeate all areas of darkness and to bring Life, Light and Peace to all who receive and accept our Triune God’s offer of Salvation through Jesus Christ.
Daniel 3: “Glory and praise, forever!” Today’s psalm; a song of worship and praise, giving glory to God is a perfect spiritual wellspring, in response to God’s generous love, care and benevolence toward us. In this passage, we celebrate God’s transcendence, God’s overwhelming and incomprehensible superiority over us and God’s infinite power and eternal nature. Our God so far surpasses our finite nature; that how could we not be compelled to offer God, worship, glory, praise and adoration, both now and in eternity? Take some time to reflect this week that this infinite God of ours still “looks into the depths…” From God’s vantage point of greatness, from His Heavenly Throne… God still looks for each of us! Our God’s desire is that none of His sheep should be lost. Ponder that and glorify God this week!
2 Cor. 13:11-13: Today, St. Paul addresses the early Christian disciples who have been introduced to our Most Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In meeting Jesus, they and we have already met God, our Creator and Father, for, as Jesus said, He and the Father are One. From the Father and Son proceeds the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit opens us to spiritual and intellectual enlightenment; such that we come to know God better and become more intimately connected with God and with one another. Now that we’ve received the Most Blessed Trinity, as Paul suggests, let’s rejoice, repent and amend our ways, minister to one another, and strive for unity and peace. Let’s receive and welcome… as Paul has imparted to us… the grace of Jesus, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit!
John 3:16-18: In today’s Gospel, we ponder and reflect on the relationship of our Most Blessed Trinity with humankind. John proclaims to us the tender truth that our Creator God so loves us that He gave His only-begotten Son as a Sacrifice to save and redeem us. God gave His very Self and Substance to save us and offer us an eternal relationship with our God! Our Triune God, with extraordinary benevolence offers us forgiveness, redemption and eternal life through Jesus’ Sacrifice of Himself. All we’re asked to do, in order to accept this offer is to repent, believe in Jesus and humbly accept His Love and forgiveness. Only with humility and love can we do this. O Most Holy Trinity, fill us with Love, wisdom and grace so that we may repent of our sins, love You and submit to Your Will.