Reflection for 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time: January 15, 2023 Isaiah 49:3,5-6: Today, through Isaiah, the Lord offers not only Israel, but all nations a message of hope for future inclusion and salvation in God’s growing Kingdom. This passage reflects that God has had a plan for the redemption for Israel and other nations; as well as for each person, since their conception. The author reminds us that we, as peoples and nations, are created for a purpose; namely, to serve God and to bring others to avail themse lves of God’s freely-given love and mercy. As the new year unfolds, we’re reminded that we’re on a mission: a mission to serve God by ministering to one another; especially the unchurched. We are meant to reflect and magnify God’ s glory by growing in virtues of faith, hope and charity. Our God promises to give us all the strength and resources we will need in order to fulfill our individual and collective missions and ministries.
Psalm 40: “Here am I, Lord; I come to do Your Will.” Now that we’ve been given our mission to help in building up the Kingdom of God in the first reading, what can we do but respond with gratitude and enthusiasm?! As reflected by the psalmist in the second verse, we’re called to single-heartedly obey God’s call to us for service and participation in God’s mission for salvation of the world. Notice that the psalmist proclaims the inner joy that comes to those who respond to God’s call by conforming themselves to doing God’s Will. Like the psalmist, we’re invited to carry God’s Law within our hearts and to delight in pondering the wisdom and grace which the Law exemplifies. Then, we’re called anew to proclaim God’s justice, love and benevolence!
1 Cor 1:1-3: Continuing our theme of answering God’s call and invitation to all of us to join in the mission of the Heavenly Kingdom, Paul happily witnesses to his own joy in being called to be “an apostle of Christ Jesus.” Notice that Paul also notes that his personal mission is given to him, “by the Will of God;” once again alluding to the critical importance of our living each of our lives in conformity to God’s Will for us. So, how do we learn what God’s Will is for each of us, personally? We pray. We ask God to know His Will for us, and we listen in our hearts and souls for God’s answer. Like Paul proclaimed to the Corinthians, we’re all called to be holy; to obey God’s Law, in conformity to God’s Will for us and to love and serve God, by serving others, lovingly and generously.
John 1:29-34: In today’s Gospel, we see a clear picture of someone who is a terrific role-model for answering God’s call and accomplishing God’s Will in one’s life. We see John the Baptist; who placed himself totally and extravagantly into God’s service! John humbly and reverently directs others to Jesus. John is a remarkably powerful example of what we’re called to be and do as a Christian witness. John proclaims Jesus’ divinity and supremacy over all. John witnesses to Jesus’ authenticity as our Messiah, Savior and Redeemer. Like John’s witness, our sharing of our faith and of God’s benevolent goodness should be heart-felt, sincere and driven by love and gratitude. Contemplate this week that we’re all called to praise God and give Him glory; both in solitude when we pray as well as with others, informally or in the community. How can we serve God, better? Pray… and listen!