The following people were honored during the BasilicaFEST outdoor Saturday Vigil Mass in Lincoln Park. We thank them for their selfless dedication and generosity to our parish as PART OF OUR FAMILY!
Ben and Barb Carucci spent decades decorating our church and coordinating events such as the Christmas Dinner. They planted flower arrangements around the Basilica making it beautiful inside and out. They extended a special thank you to Dan Evans for his advice and mentorship.
Dan Evans was recently recognized by the Rotary Club with the Above Self Award. His generosity to our parish with his beautiful flower arrangements has not gone unnoticed. His ministries include ushering and taking communion to the homebound.
Ronni Gronemeier loves to share Dynamic Catholic resources with our parish, Confirmation students and Southern Tier Catholic School students. Her lecturing skills and her passion inspire many.
Fran Tripodi, Otto Tertinek, Dennis Hettrick, Frank Aloi
Knights of Columbus Council #338 coordinate beautiful charitable events and support the vulnerable within our parishes. In recent years they have made generous monetary contributions to our linked parishes. Congratulations on their 125th Anniversary.
Special thank you for supporting the Basilica-FEST! Thank you to all the volunteers and staff for their hard work, energy and dedication! It was a great team effort and we look forward to next year!
Co-Chairs: Jennifer Forney and James Tkacik and Fr. John, pastor/rector