The loss of a family member or a friend can be one of the most stressful, traumatic and/or sorrowful experiences we can have as human beings. Some find their grief as so raw that it feels as though they have lost part of themselves. Others can feel anger, resentment, fear and lack of confidence, while others may find a quiet peace. Each person’s journey into loss is unique although we can share common aspects, which we call the process of grief. It is my hope you have drawn strength and support from the love and caring of family and friends, and will find peace in prayer with and the healing love of a consoling and comforting God.
We have just celebrated All Saints Day and All Souls Day in celebration and in remembrance of those that have gone before us. Our Parish family wishes to extend our sincere prayers and deepest sympathy as you mourn the loss of your loved ones whether you have experienced your loss(es) this past year or over the course of several years. We, your brothers and sisters in Christ, grieve with you and support you with our prayers and our faith in the Risen Lord. We all share in our common Baptism where we are immersed in the life, death and resurrection of Our Lord and we stand with you on the firm foundation of our faith in our kind and merciful God Who promises eternal life.
During this month of November, we will be going on a journey together as we unfold the Paschal Mystery of Christ as we enter into His life, death and resurrection as we examine a deeper understanding of Bereavement and the process of grief in our lives. Stay tuned for our bulletin articles, inserts and parish activities both individual and group, in order to help in what many of us face or will face during the sacred time of the passing of a loved one.