A Minister of the Word or Lector is a lay person who is called to proclaim the Word of God at Mass or other worship services. He or she, as Lector, proclaims the First Reading (usually from the Old Testament) and the Second Reading (always from the New Testament) during Mass. The Gospel is always proclaimed by the presiding priest or deacon.
The Holy Bible, is the revealed word of God to human beings. It was preserved, recorded and handed down generation after generation beginning about two thousand years before the birth of Jesus Christ. It contains Gods truth for the sake of our salvation. The Minister of the Word brings the Word of God to the assembly just as the Eucharistic Ministers assist in bringing the Body and Blood of Christ to those who come forward to receive Communion.
The weekend or Sunday Mass is the greatest area of responsibility for the Ministers of the Word, but they may also be called to proclaim the Word of God at other special worship services: weddings, funerals, Holy Days and Reconciliation Services.
Preparation is very important. Being a Minister of the Word is not merely a matter of reading, but of bringing the Word of God to the hearts and minds of the worshipping community.
If you are interested in becoming a Lector, please contact the Parish Office which can direct you to the person who currently heads this ministry.