As we head into Ordinary Time, it is not so ordinary! Last weekend, in the Church’s calendar, the Christmas season just came to an end. However, it is only the beginning as the Lord’s light shines brightly in our lives. In a short period of time, within a week’s time, we celebrated Christmas, the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and the Epiphany. Then a week later, we shared in the Baptism of Christ as we all renewed all of our Baptismal Vows. We experienced many graces indeed and the joy and love gifted to us by the Lord as we readied ourselves for these not so “ordinary” days ahead. In being Baptized in the Lord, we were given certain personal gifts chosen uniquely for each one of us. We are to be the light of Christ to those around us as we herald His mission through our words and deeds. Jesus’ mission is our mission. In our Baptism, we enter into the very life of God and become a part of His plan of salvation for all. As the Son of God, Jesus did not need to be baptized but as the image above illustrates, Our Lord, God Himself, in keeping with His Jewish faith tradition, was an example of humility and entered into the cleansing ritual that John was providing in the desert – the beginning of repentance and renewal. Jesus’ entry into the waters of the Jordan, sanctified all water, life-giving to everything, so we can be made holy in the Spirit. This past Sunday, we heard this in Sacred Scripture about Jesus and His Baptism: Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” Luke 3: 21-22 The Baptism of the Lord involved the wholeness of the Trinity as the heavens opened, words were spoken by the Father, Jesus was anointed and baptized and the Holy Spirit transformed the Jordan and Jesus began His actions and Words of the Divine as He began His mission delegated from heaven to this earth. At our Baptism, we are bathed in the Spirit as the Heavens open up, words are spoken and the Holy Spirit transforms us. We then can use the gifts given as we bring them mission of the Lord to those around us. We are baptized in the name of the Father, and in the Son and in the Holy Spirit. The Baptismal roles in our mission are those shared with Christ as Priest, Prophet and King which we received when we become part of God’s Holy Family (see p. 5). We should ask ourselves: Do we actively take part in this mission of Love by leading a good holy life (Priest), announcing Him to the world by sharing Him in our words and actions (Prophet), and taking care of one another (King). As we move forward in the Spirit this New Year, may God gaze down upon each one of us and say, “You are my beloved child, with you I am well pleased.” May you be bathed in many blessings and graces from above, Fr. John