Jeremiah 31:7-9: In this passage, Jeremiah speaks to us in the voice of the Lord, Himself. The Lord is inviting us to celebrate the fact that we’re a people who are saved and redeemed. The message transcends time and is addressed to all… the liberated people of biblical times, as well as to current people, like us, in need of God’s forgiveness and liberation from our sins. Let’s reflect this week on how God resides in eternity and how God can view all of time, at once. Past, present and future are all within God’s sight and in God’s hands. We needn’t be afraid! Instead, let’s allow ourselves to be inspired to trust God to take care of us, in all the details and challenges of our lives. We’re in good hands!
Psalm 126: “The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy.” Like today’s first passage, today’s psalm has a theme of rejoicing. It also has the perspective of transcending time. In the first verse, we’re given a vision to focus on; that of the Israelite people of biblical times, rejoicing in their return to Zion after diaspora, captivity and God-given liberation and redemption. In the second verse, we’re reminded that all nations join in this celebration of God’s kindness and provisions for the Israelite nation and for all. once again, we can reflect on the spiritual dimensions of this celebration; including not just people of all nations, but people of all times… including our time!
The remainder of the psalm has us all combining… people of all times… to celebrate God’s love, mercy, provision for and protection of us. let’s let ourselves join, whole-heartedly, in this song of hope, faith and rejoicing!
Hebrews 5:1-6: Now, we continue to celebrate God’s provision for us. However, in this passage, instead of rejoicing over liberation from physical captivity, we rejoice in God’s provision for liberating us from the spiritual captivity that we endure, due to our sins. Through God’s commissioning of priests, by virtue of their faculties for administering the Sacrament of Reconciliation, God has offered us freedom and redemption from the guilt and punishment due to us for our sinful thoughts, words and actions. This is a great time to reflect once more upon the great gift we’ve received via the presence of the priesthood among us… reflecting our Lord’s own Presence!
It's always a good time to thank God for the immeasurable gift of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It’s always a wise choice to avail ourselves of God’s ongoing offer of forgiveness, healing and spiritual “release” from the “prison” of grief, guilt and regret in which we find ourselves confined.
Mark 10:46-52: We complete today’s reflection by focusing on Bartimaeus, imprisoned by blindness. When he’s aware that Jesus is passing by, Bartimaeus begs Jesus for healing and release. Bartimaeus faces an obstacle that many of us will face in our lifetimes; namely, the scolding, rebukes, discouragement and mockery of faith by those around us who don’t believe. We must, like Bartimaeus, refuse to give in to criticism by non-believers and continue to pray to Jesus for healing and forgiveness and approach Jesus with confidence. Like he heard the suffering Bartimaeus, Jesus hears our cries for help… whether our cries are outright and loud, or murmured inside of our souls. Our Jesus has the compassion, the mercy and the power to save us all! Let’s all ask Jesus for forgiveness, healing and for His Will to be done; unto us and by us. Amen.