Starting August 1, 2018, we will begin a new reality impacting our identity as church. On that date, the Basilica of Saint Mary of the Angels, Olean, Saint John, Olean, and Saint Philomena, Franklinville parishes will be linked together as a way to address the clergy shortage and in response to the diocese’s Journey of Faith and Grace, circa 2007-2010. This also includes Sacred Heart, Portville as an oratory connected with the basilica. Linking of parishes is the diocese’s way of saying all three parishes will remain independent financially with separate Trustees, Finance Councils, and Parish Councils, but pastored by the same clergy. Our clergy team includes Fr. Patrick Melfi, regional pastor; Fr. Romulo Montero and Fr. David Tourville, regional parochial vicars; and Deacon Richard Matthews. Fr. Melfi and Fr. Montero currently live at St. John; Fr. Tourville lives at St. Mary of the Angels. Deacon Matthews is married and lives with his wife, Linda. Of immediate concern to everyone are the Mass schedules of all three parishes. When considering any changes in the Mass schedule, many factors come into play: the time of Religious Education for our youth and the availability for their Mass attendance; the attendance (which the Diocese recently required every parish to document) of each Mass; the availability of supporting ministries, ie. Greeters, Ushers, Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion; and the health of the priests all have to be considered. The Franciscan Friars from the university are low in numbers and are not able to assist us as frequently as in the past. The clergy team is revising the Mass schedule that will begin September 3 for weekdays and September 8 for week- ends. You may be asking, “with three priests, why change the Mass schedule?” Please realize that one of the challenges we face here in the Southern Tier is a lack of “extra” priests who can help when a pastor is sick or away on retreat or vacation. So with a third priest on staff, we also will be providing priest coverage for neighboring parishes (Salamanca, Ellicottville, Cuba, etc.) from time to time so as to allow the other pastors time away. So we need to be flexible for those requests as well. As we move forward toward this new reality, your patience, understanding and most of all, your prayers will make this a success. Together we can “do all things in Christ, who strengthens [us].” Philippians 4:13. Fr. F. Patrick Melfi Fr. David Tourville Fr. Romulo Montero Deacon Richard Matthews