Congratulations to Emma, Maddie, and Cohen -- as they received the real presence of Our Lord for the First time in Holy Communion on May 21st! Many of us were witnesses of the Eucharistic Mystery unfolding that we can partake each time we receive Jesus at our Sacred meal, the Mass. During this month of May, we have a special relationship with Mary, Mother of God and Mother of the Church. On Monday, May 29th, this Memorial Day, we remember those that have given their lives for our freedoms that we celebrate in this country. We also celebrate Mary, Mother of the Church on this day as well. Mary's unique relationship with her Son, Jesus, had her experience the real presence of the Lord and bore Him to the World as the Christ-Bearer. We remembered during Holy Week and Easter of this year, the Death and Resurrection of the Lord who gave his life for the ultimate Freedom -- Freedom from sin and death! As we receive the Eucharist, may we, like Our Dear Mother, bear Him to the world and proclaim the peace and freedom and the ultimate joy that is His real presence in our lives. This Memorial Day, this Feast of Mary, Mother of the Church, let us remember the ultimate sacrifice that those who died for our country, and the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made for us unites all who fight for freedom in the Truth that we hold dear. This Pentecost, let us embrace the Spirit, let us embrace Our Dear Mother and ask for her to intercede for us to Her Son. And may His presence within us bring us His peace.