Reservations are still needed to be made for weekend masses, please register online or call the parish office to reserve your time slot. Reservations for each of Our Christmas Eve and Christmas Masses should be made as soon as possible but no later than 12 noon on December 18th.
12:15 pm Mass will be celebrated at St. John’s every Monday, Wednesday, & Friday until further notice due to the construction of the elevator.
Snow Birds if you are going south for the winter please call the parish office to give alternate address or to have no mail sent during your time away.
Stand for Life is this Sunday @ 1 pm in Lincoln Park. Signs provided. Pray for an end to abortion.
December 8th is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a Holy Day. Please check the bulletins and our website for Mass times. A vigil Mass for this feast of Our Lady will be held on Monday, December 7th at St. John’s Parish at 7:00 pm.
On the evening of Tuesday, December 8th, a NationalNight of Prayer for Life will be held @ 7 pm with Mass and Facebook LIVE in Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels followed by procession to Children of Fatima Chapel and Eucharistic Adoration until 1am.
Virtual Shower for Mary — St. Elizabeth Motherhouse Thursday Dec. 10 @ 6:30 pm on — Gifts (wrapped or bagged) may be dropped in lobby of Motherhouse, 115 E. Main St., Allegany, NY starting Dec. 5th thru 10th between 9 am—6 pm. See bulletin for items needed.
Please remember that the pandemic we are experiencing is fluid and often guidelines often change quickly, please refer to our website, facebook page or contact the office if you are without online resources for updated information.
As we continue to have Masses at church, we will need volunteers for our ministries such as greeters, ushers, lectors and Eucharistic ministers. Please call the church office to volunteer. We will especially need additional ministers of hospitality at all of our Christmas Eve and Christmas Masses as the number of Masses have been increased so as to provide for opportunities of worship and to accommodate safe distancing and healthcare guidelines.
Thank you to all of you for your continued prayers and support during this difficult and challenging time, and check the websites for any changes.