Reflection for Feast of Mary, Mother of God: January 1, 2023 Numbers 6:22-27:
Happy New Year! Isn’t it appropriate that the first passage we read as the new year starts is a blessing?! This blessing is ancient, but is still used and proclaimed in both Jewish and Christian worship. As you read it, it will be familiar; as it’s used often at Mass. Originally, this blessing was bestowed on the Israeli people, during the priesthood of Aaron. Reading it carefully, you’ll recognize that three times, the Lord is identified as the Source of the blessing. The blessing is directed at Aaron and his sons, and to the Israelites as the priestly people who were Jesus’ ancestors. As the Jewish priesthood was fulfilled by Jesus’ own priesthood, the blessing is also, by inheritance through Jesus, extended to us. We inherit the merits and continuance of Jesus’ priesthood, via our baptisms.
Psalm 67: “May God bless us in His mercy.” To continue our focus on blessings, the psalmist requests a blessing from the Lord. Both readings allude to the Lord’s “letting His Face shine upon us;” a reference to the “Light of the Lord,” which penetrates the darkness in the book of Genesis and the Light of Wisdom, which penetrates the darkness of our sinful souls and instructs us in the Ways of God, as requested by the psalmist in this song. Contemplate with hopefulness and let’s allow ourselves to be confident that our Lord will never withhold His Wisdom and Love from those of us who request to be filled with them. God’s Love and Wisdom will help us to forgive both ourselves and others; and to be filled with other graces that will enable us to carry our cr osses, even while we minister to others, in response to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit.
Galatians 4:4-7: Today, St. Paul further proclaims the blessing from God that we’ve inherited, via our baptisms, when we became members of Jesus’ own Body, the Christian Church! Via Jesus’ Sacrifice of His own Body, on the Cross, we became co-inheritors of the inheritance (Salvation and Redemption), that Jesus earned for us all! We’ve received a lot of blessings from our God. Like Mary, the Mother of God, we’re being called, as she did, to reflect upon these blessings in our hearts and souls and to contemplate God’s beneficence and generosity toward us. Paul reminds us that God sent to us His only Son, “born of a woman.” In this way, Paul invites us, today and always, to honor Mary and her role in assisting to bring Jesus’ Presence and His Mission of Redemption to our lives.
Luke 2:16-21: It’s so appropriate that this humble passage should be contemplated by us on this Feast of Mary, the Mother of God. Whom does God recruit to be some of the first missionaries carrying the Good News? Simple and poor shepherds! Evidencing already that “the last will be first,” God calls the lowly and disempowered as the first sharers of this Divine Message of our Salvation. The shepherds share to all around them the seraphic vision that they’ve seen and heard; and the Good News of the coming of the Messiah. Upon reaching the stable; they’re probably shy and afraid about approaching a newborn King! Yet, what do they find? A humble Mom and Dad, (Mary and Joseph), people they can relate to and “know,” as being like them! Such is the plan of our God! Let’s ponder the Love of God, Who is the author of this remarkable plan for our Salvation!